SL (Static line)
Static Line jumps are made from an altitude of 1,5 km, and your parachute opens automatically immediately after jumping out of the plane. A modern steerable ram-air parachute is used on all jumps.
A Static Line jump is a good opportunity to make your first acquintance with skydiving. If a more serious interest develops, it is easy to move on to AFF jumps and to freefall.
The price for a Static Line course with 1 jump is 169€, subsequent jumps are 62€ each.

AFF (Accelerated FreeFall)
AFF is an intensive course where already the first jump involves freefall from an altitude of 4 km. The student jumps out of the plane and opens the parachute independently, but two instructors accompany the student in freefall for safety. After passing 7 jumps (levels) of an AFF course, the student has the right to jump solo.
The price for an AFF course with one jump is 349€, 2.-3. are 210€ per jump, levels 4-7 are 140€ per jump. A full course (theory course + 7 jumps) is 1329€; a discounted price of 1229€ applies if you pay for your full course up front.

Further development
Passing a theory course and completing first jumps is only the beginning of a long journey. Perhaps your calling is flying with other parachutes, piloting a wingsuit or building freefall formations?
Skydive Estonia offers a variety of further development courses for jumpers of all levels of experience, under the guidance of our own instructors as well as world-famous guest coaches. Theory courses are free for club members.